
I’ve taught economics at Adelphi University for over 20 years. I must, nevertheless, confess that until fairly recently I was a traditional “chalk and talk”* kind of instructor. Using tech to teach is still relatively new for me, so it would be fair to say that this section is very much a work in progress. And probably lots of new stuff to come since for now almost everyone I know is teaching exclusively online. I keep remembering someone’s quip back in March ’20 that two weeks earlier she had not even heard of zoom and suddenly her life depended on it! Many of us, alas, can relate. For now I simply have a separate location for each of the seven classes that I most frequently teach. I plan to add lectures, exercises, and the like as I develop or update them.

*Well, I’ve used a dry erase marker for the past 7-8 years, but it wouldn’t sound as good.