Ackerman, FrankWorst-Case EconomicsA study of the economics of existential problems like financial collapse and climate change
Arbesman, SamuelOvercomplicated: Technology at the Limits of Comprehension 
Banks, FerdinandThe Political Economy of World Energy 
Baran, PaulThe Political Economy of GrowthA must read for students of dependency theory
Baran, Paul, and Paul SweezyMonopoly CapitalA classic that analyzes the power and influence of large oligarchies on the market economy
Beckerman, WilfredEconomics as Applied Ethics 
Bellamy Foster, JohnThe Theory of Monopoly Capitalism 
Boltanski, Luc, and Eve ChiapelloThe New Spirit of Capitalism 
Boulding, KennethEvolutionary Economics 
Bowles, SamuelThe Moral EconomyAn insightful book that challenges conventional notions of individuals’ responses to incentives and policy changes
Boyce, JamesEconomics for People and the Planet 
Brenner, RobertEconomics of Global Turbulence 
Chang, Ha-Joon23 Things They Don’t Tell You about CapitalismEnough said?
Costanza, Robert, and Ida KubiszewskiCreating a Sustainable and Desirable Future: Insights from 45 Global Thought Leaders 
Cowen, TylerAverage Is Over: Powering America Beyond the Age of the Great Stagnation 
Daly, HermanSteady-State EconomicsA classic in the field of ecological economics. Popularizes some of the ideas of his teacher, Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen
Daly, Herman, and John CobbFor the Common Good 
Das, SatyajitThe Age of Stagnation 
Davis, AnnMoney as a Social Institution 
Ezrachi, Ariel, and Maurice StuckeVirtual Competition 
Fitoussi, J., J. Stiglitz, and M. DurandMeasuring What Counts: The Global Movement for Well-BeingA critique of uncritical social measurement showcasing the problems with GDP
Foroohar, RanaMakers and TakersAn incisive contrast between the true producers and the rent seekers, with useful examples
Friedman, MiltonCapitalism and FreedomImmortal tract on the supposed benefits of a free market economic system. Consists of a series of independent essays.
Fullbrook, EdwardMarket-value: Its measurement and metric, 
Galbraith, John KennethEconomics in PerspectiveA relatively little-known book on the history of economic thought. Among the best on the topic.
Galbraith, John KennethThe Affluent SocietyA timeless analysis of the social economics of capitalism. Juxtaposes private wealth and public squalor
Gare, ArranThe Philosophical Foundations of Ecological Civilization 
Georgescu-Roegen, NicholasThe Entropy Law and the Economic ProcessA veritable masterpiece that cuts across the disciplines of economics, politics, philosophy, physics, and others. Enormously insightful and original
Graeber, DavidDebt: the First 5,000 YearsA brilliant historical and anthropological perspective on the custom and eventual quantification of debt. Historical perspective on the relationship between credit and money
Graeber, DavidBull-shit JobsA highly relevant look at the types of jobs produced in late capitalist times. A critique of the social organization of work that pervades society today, and what it signifies for the future
Hall, C.A.Energy Return on Investment 
Hamilton, CliveFreedom Paradox, Affluenza, Requiem for a Species 
Harte, JohnMaximum Entropy and Ecology 
Harvey, DavidA Brief History of Neoliberalism 
Harvey, David17 Contradictions and the End of Capitalism 
Harvey, and GarnettFuture Directions for Heterodox Economics 
Haskel, Jonathan, and Stian WestlakeCapitalism without capital 
Hayek, FriedrichThe Road to SerfdomA timeless tract that criticizes socialism from an Austrian perspective
Heilbronner, RobertThe Worldly PhilosophersA delightful exposition of the great minds who have, throughout history, been most influential in the formation of economic thought
Heinberg, RichardThe Party’s OverA pessimistic account of the history of fossil fuel use in the world.
Hendry, DavidEconometrics: Alchemy or Science 
Hirsch, FredThe Social Limits to GrowthAn original sociological study of the detrimental social effects of economic growth.
Huberman, LeoMan’s Worldly GoodsPossibly the absolute best description of the West’s gradual transition from feudalism to capitalism. Brilliantly written
Hudson, MichaelThe Bubble and Beyond 
Huff, DarylHow to Lie with StatisticsA very slim volume but one of the best accounts of how data and statistics can be manipulated to mislead.
Huizinga, JohanHomo Ludens 
Jackson, TimProsperity without Growth 
Jacobs, JaneCities and the Wealth of NationsA Tour de Force. Jacobs persuasively argues how properly planned cities are the true engine of economic growth.
Johnson, Dale L.Social Inequality, Economic Decline, and Plutocracy: An American Crisis 
Kay, J., and M. KingRadical Uncertainty 
Keynes, John MaynardThe General Theory of Employment, Interest, and MoneyAn ingenious book written by the “father” of macroeconomics. The first to introduce the notion of multiple (non-full employment) equilibria in an economic system
Keynes, John MaynardA Treatise on Probability 
Klein, NaomiThe Shock DoctrineA brilliant exposition of how neoliberal capitalism exploits turmoil, instability, and natural disasters to consolidate wealth for the elite. Very interesting international case studies.
Kotz, DavidThe Rise and Fall of Neoliberal Capitalism 
Kuhn, ThomasThe Structure of Scientific RevolutionsNot an economics book at all, but contains very profound insights about the evolution of scientific knowledge with important implications for economics. A Classic.
Lakey, GeorgeViking Economics 
Lanier, JaronThe Dawn of the New Everything 
LaTour, B.We have never been modern 
LaTour, B.Politics of Nature 
Lee, Frederick, and Bruce Cronin, Eds.Handbook of Alternative Theories of Economic Development 
Levitt, Steven, and Stephen DubnerFreakonomics 
Lewontin, Richard, and Richard LevinsBiology under the Influence 
Loye, DavidMeasuring Evolution 
Joan Martinez-AlierEcological EconomicsA delightful read. A true history of ecological economic thought. Highly original.
Marx, KarlCapitalThree volume highly critical and original analysis of the laws of motion of the capitalist system. A masterpiece by a visionary thinker.
Mau, SteffenThe Metric Society: On the Quantification of the Social 
Mayer-Schonberger, Victor, and Thomas RangeReinventing Capitalism in the Age of Big Data 
Mazzucato, MarianaThe Value of EverythingExcellent work by an up-and-coming star in the field. Clearly articulates the main difference between productive and so-called “extractive” activity, and uses it to turn the traditional laissez-faire argument on its head.
Mirowski, PhilipMore Heat than Light 
Mirowski, Philip & Edward Nik-KhahThe Knowledge We Have Lost in Information – The History of Information in Modern Economics 
Nelson, Richard, and Sidney WinterAn Evolutionary Theory of Economic Change 
Piketty, ThomasCapital in the 21st CenturyA comprehensive historical analysis of inequality in the world’s leading countries. Rich in historical data and Figures, concluding with interesting policy implications.
Pilling, DavidThe Growth Delusion: Wealth, Poverty, and the Well-Being of Nations 
Polanyi, KarlThe Great TransformationA classic in the field. The author analyzes how the market economy produces a “market society” that seeks to commodify everything.
Raworth, KateDoughnut Economics 
Saez, E., and G. ZucmanThe Triumph of Injustice 
Schumacher, E.F.Small is BeautifulA comprehensive philosophical treatise on social, development, and environmental economics. Written in the mid-1970s but extremely far sighted
Schumpeter, J.Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy 
Scitovsky, TiborThe Joyless EconomyOriginal piece of work that contrasts the psychology of Americans and Europeans, finding that the former’s privileging of “comfort” over pleasure leads to unhappier lives despite higher living standards
Scott, James C.Against the Grain: A Deep History of the Earliest States 
Sen, AmartyaDevelopment as FreedomA series of essays emphasizing the critically important role of individual freedoms as ingredients in development. His focus is on how freedom can be both cause and consequence of “capabilities”
Shepherd, W and DW ShepherdEnergy Studies 
Smith, AdamAn Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of NationsThe foundational work on market-based economics. Promotes free markets, but in a nuanced, non-ideological way. Brilliant writing
Stigler, StephenThe seven pillars of statistical wisdom 
Sweezy, PaulThe Theory of Capitalist DevelopmentA bit like the “Cliff Notes” to Marx’s Capital. Not as detailed as the former, but very clearly written and explained.
Taleb, Naseem NicholasSkin in the Game 
Vanderburg, Willem H.Our Battle for the Human Spirit 
Veblen, ThorsteinThe Theory of the Leisure ClassBrilliant and highly original critique of consumerist culture.
Weisburg, H.Willful IgnoranceAn interesting historical look at the development and origins of modern statistical thinking and analysis
Woo, GordonCalculating Catastrophe